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Xinjiang - East Turkistan Independence Movement

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ETIM activists want ETIM back in Xinjiang

Daniel Dumbrill 0000-00-00
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Interview with Uyghur Independence Activist Arslan Hidayat Carl Zha | Isobel Cockerelle of Codastory challenged Carl Zha to interview Uyghur in exile. I extended my invitation for her to introduce her Uyghur contact for my show on Twitter. Uyghur Independence Activist Arslan Hidayat replied to my post and volunteered to be the guest on my show Silk and Steel Podcast. This is the full interview unedited.
Carl interviews Arslan Hidayat, an ETIM sympathiser.

Carl Zha 2020-08-16
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Libya Destroyed & ETIM (Xinjiang Terrorism) Video Follow-up. Daniel Dumbrill | In this video I say a quick few words on my last video and the reaction plus share an additional video about Libya and why it was destroyed - a story very useful to understand as we explore the truth about what`s going on with Xinjiang.

Daniel Dumbrill 2021-05-30
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The Real Potential for a Future Genocide in Xinjiang Daniel Dumbrill | In this video I reveal some very important details regarding the potential for a real wide scale genocide in the Xinjiang region.

Daniel Dumbrill 2021-05-29
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US delisted ETIM as a terror organisation

Brian Berletic 0000-00-00
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